
One can be a lover and a fighter.

Personally, I am a lover of food, design, yoga, travel and fresh air. I am also a lover of a wonderful, energy filled little guy that keeps me on my toes, and an amazing, supportive partner, whom have taught me so much about how much life is worth fighting for.

As a woman who has so many ambitions in life, my passion for design and art started as a fire ignited in my soul as a young girl. It has stayed with me through life and evolved and emerged in so many ways. I truly believe that art and beauty is in many areas of our lives, we just need to slow down to see it.

With over 12 years of experience in graphic design, working abroad in Bermuda and with agencies in the GTA, my skills have grown with my experiences working as art director and active creative director. This site is just a glimpse into my work over the years, and one might say a peek into the window of that fire lit soul.